Garza, Aaron MD


Specialty Center

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Garza, Aaron MD


Only accepting current Gonzaba Medical Group patients

Dr. Aaron Garza is a physician of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology. He received his medical degree from the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (Mexico) in 2009. He completed his Internal Medicine residency at the University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine in Miami, Florida. He completed his fellowship in Rheumatology at the NYU School of Medicine. Dr. Garza has an Ultrasound School of North American Rheumatologists (USSONAR) certification in musculoskeletal ultrasound. Dr. Garza continues to train rheumatology fellows in musculoskeletal ultrasound through the NYU School of Medicine and USSONAR.


Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (Mexico) University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine NYU School of Medicine


Ultrasound School of North American Rheumatologists (USSONAR)
