Why Immunization Awareness is Important

Why Immunization Awareness is Important

Did you know in the last 50 years, vaccines have saved more than one billion lives in the United States alone? Imagine what the world would be like without vaccinations. When the majority of people are vaccinated, it can lead to eliminating preventable illness and...
Declaring San Antonio Seniors Month

Declaring San Antonio Seniors Month

In 2017, Dr. Bill Gonzaba had a visionary idea to recognize senior citizens of San Antonio for their contributions and achievements. For nearly 60 years, Dr. Bill has been transforming healthcare on the city’s southside as a primary care physician serving primarily...


Currently, Gonzaba Medical Group and health agencies recommend to stay home if you are having fever and respiratory symptoms without trouble breathing. Urgent care and emergency department waiting rooms may become places where the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) infection can...