Most people will need to see a doctor at least a few times in their life. While everybody in San Antonio knows that routine check-ups and yearly physicals are conducted by their primary care doctor, not everyone realizes that their primary care physician in San Antonio also provides diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of common illnesses and conditions. In fact, the doctor often serves as the first contact that people suffering from some sort of illness or malady will need to see for treatment.

A primary care doctor is also referred to as a general practice doctor. Insurance companies typically require individuals to see a primary care physician first before making an appointment with any other specialists, as the physician is best equipped to properly diagnose any problems and recommend further treatment if necessary. The primary care doctor has studied extensively and will have a great deal of experience in identifying, diagnosing and treating many different common illnesses.

Primary care doctors also treat the whole family, and as such have knowledge of a family medical history. This makes it easier for them to properly diagnose some of the symptoms and conditions of their patients based on previous appointments. They also know to look for red flags and other indicators of an illness that someone who doesn’t have knowledge of a family history wouldn’t think to look for.

Some of the common illnesses treated by primary care doctors include the following:


A common malady, bronchitis occurs when a person’s main air passages become inflamed. Common symptoms include coughing, and bronchitis is often mistaken for a common cold. People suffering from bronchitis for an extensive period of time are known to have chronic bronchitis.

High or Low Blood Pressure

Another very common and also very serious condition, high or low blood pressure can lead to heart disease, kidney failure, and other critical conditions. This is why primary care physicians also check their patients’ blood pressure whenever they come in for an appointment.


There are two main types of diabetes affecting millions of people in the United States. Primary care physicians can make a diagnosis of diabetes after performing a blood glucose test.

Headaches and Migraines

Everybody gets a headache every now and then, but continued headaches ranging from mild to severe may signal a problem. Very strong, painful headaches are usually migraines, which can often be quite debilitating. Millions of people are affected by migraines, and other factors in a person’s lifestyle can be the cause of regular headaches.

High Cholesterol

High blood cholesterol can lead to many serious conditions. Many factors can cause high cholesterol, including diet, weight and a lack of regular exercise or physical activity.


This chronic lung disease typically starts in childhood, causing chronic shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing. Many different factors can cause asthma to develop, including genetics.

Bladder Infections

If not treated, a bladder infection can become very serious. Also known as a urinary tract infection, this malady results in over 8 million visits to a primary care physician each year.


People should make an appointment to see their primary care physician if they have been feeling pain in any area of the body for a significant length of time. Depending where a person is feeling pain can mean several different things, and the primary care doctor will know which tests to conduct in order to better determine the cause of the pain.

Respiratory and Sinus Infections

If not treated by a physician, an infection can turn serious and lead to other health problems. What starts as a relatively uncomfortable condition can worsen over time, so it is always best to see a primary care doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

The above list is just a relatively small sampling of the many illnesses, conditions and symptoms that can be treated by a primary care doctor. Other illnesses and conditions that an individual might see a primary care physician for include:

  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Broken bones
  • Sprains
  • Swelling in the arms or legs
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Minor burns
  • Menopause
  • Cancer screenings
  • Fever
  • Nosebleeds
  • Ear infections
  • Allergies
  • ADHD
  • Fungus issues
  • Skin conditions

Subsequently, it can be said that a primary care physician offers complete medical care for the whole family under one roof. Visiting a primary care physician is also typically less expensive than unnecessarily going to the hospital, and if a specialist is needed, the primary care doctor can help patients find a medical specialist that is knowledgeable and experienced as well so that they will be well taken care of.

In addition to treating all of the above illnesses and conditions, the primary care physician also provides preventative care and administers vaccines. Anyone can begin to see a primary care doctor at any point in their life. To make an appointment with a primary care doctor, San Antonio residents can contact the Gonzaba Medical Group. Patients will receive the quality medical care and attention they need, and they can rest assured that their health needs will always be put first.